Liz is a midwife and health professional with considerable experience in practice, education and research.
Liz worked as a registered midwife and labour ward team leader (STees NHS Trust), researcher (University of Leeds) and lecturer (Kings College London and University of West London). From 2011 – 2018 she worked with the Ghana Health Service and other international agencies in Ghana to support capacity building improvements in the care of mothers and babies within Regional Hospitals.
The main focus of this work was the implementation of a Triage system into very busy labour wards. As well as mentoring local health workers and midwives, this included the design and implementation of data collection tools, designing and delivering training packages as well as monitoring and evaluation of practice improvement innovations. She was part of the Making Every Baby Count Initiative in Ghana with Kybele and PATH.
Liz has a degree in nursing from the University of Wales, Cardiff and a MSc in nursing research from King’s College, London University, an Advanced Diploma in Midwifery and a Diploma in Tropical Nursing from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London.
With a daughter living in Botswana, Liz has spent considerable time in Africa. Alongside Chris, she is closely involved with Karoo Ridge Conservancy in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. KRC was founded to restore, protect and safeguard the diverse wildlife landscape and natural resources of the region for the benefit of the local indigenous people.
Liz loves maps and landscapes, so when at home she loves to walk the dogs or ride her horse across the nearby moors and dales. She is also a keen seamstress.
For further information on Liz’s work in Ghana, please click on these links:
Helping midwives in Ghana to reduce maternal mortality
Addressing the third delay through a novel obstetric triage system in Ghana
Helping midwives in Ghana reduce maternal mortality
Introduction of a midwife led triage system into a regional referral hospital in Ghana